Jumat, 06 Januari 2012

Design House 2 and Learning Autocad: Coordinates System and Line

On my second home design work on the design of 2-storey building with a building area 148m2.plan consists of 3 bedrooms, living room, family room, dining room, kitchen, bathroom / toilet, and garden (front & rear).

The following perspective view, front, side and rear.

Learning Autocad: Coordinates System and Line

Coordinate Systems

Coordinate system shown in the figure is the coordinate system in accordance with international standards ie the X axis for the longitudinal (left-right), the Y axis for the transverse (forward-backward), and Z axis for the vertical (up and down). On its own AutoCAD system coordinates the international standard is called the WSC or the World coordinate System.Pada AutoCAD UCS axis alignment can be changed as desired or needed.

Drawing the Line menu
Here's how:

On the toolbar and then click Draw Line or type "L" or "line" on the menu command trus enter.

The thing to remember

At the command specify in writing a first point, click the starting line.

In a written command specify next point or [Undo], click the end position of the line.

If you want to determine the length of the line after determining the initial position of the line and then type @ X, Y, Z and hold Enter.

And also no easy way to determine the length of the line without having to type @ X, Y, Z as this way, enable drafting settings (polar.osnap, otrack).

At the time when we determine the starting position and then point your mouse lines parallel to the axis X or Y axis or Z axis as shown in the picture below ane align with the axis Y.
Continue to type in how long the line that you want to continue <enter>, ane 200 then type the length of the line will look like the picture.
Example question:

In this example uses the formula @ ane, X, Y, Z. First change the 3D perspective of the SE isometric.how click View on the menu bar select View 3D trus SE Isometric.

Then type trus Enter.next Line:

1. Click the initial position of the line

2. Type: @ 0.0, -200 <enter>

3. Type: @200,0,0 <enter>

4. Type: @0,0,200 <enter>

5. Type: @-200,0,0 <enter>

6. Type: @0,250,0 <enter>

7. Type: @200,0,0 <enter>

8. Type: @0,-250,0 <enter> dan <enter> Again to end

9. Type the Line again hold Enter, then click the point W as the initial position of the line (see picture) continues to type in: @ 0.0, -200 <enter>

10. Type: @ 0, -200.0 <enter> and <enter> again to end.
For Practice:

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