Jumat, 06 Januari 2012

Tip 92 imaginary Partitions and Split Level: Substitute Space Wall Border

Interior annahape.com healthy home. Small-sized residential increasingly feel cramped when too many bulkheads. For bedrooms and bathrooms, solid wall may be calculated absolute. But the wall in the living room, family room and dining room may be reduced so that the house feels spacious and comfortable.

In a tip of 90, I had outlined the importance of the zone in the house. Namely, that the activity in the home can be accommodated in the space of harmonic series. Well as the principles of healthy home architecture is not sacrificed. Its main natural lighting and air circulation.

Therefore, limiting the space or zone not only must the wall. Moreover, the solid wall in the home may be sacrificing air circulation and lighting. As a result the house was hot, stuffy and humid. The situation was not ideal for tropical house (see tip 43). How mensiasatinya?

Here are some tips that might be useful.

1. aperture width

Aperture width can be applied in the living room and dining room. The form can be either sliding doors or folding doors. This wide opening that is directed out of the house to the garden / pool and onto the porch. Aperture width can also be applied to the master bedroom which has a terrace or private garden. See the following example:

Ruang keluarga dengan bukaan lebar ke teras
With a wide aperture, two things at once can be achieved. The first, of course aspects of natural lighting and air circulation. The second is a space that can be extended / expanded when needed. For example if there are social gathering, family party or recitation.

2. Partitions can be moved (movable partition)

Many modern homes that minimize the living room even eliminate them. In addition to limitations of space, modern families also rarely receive visitors who need a special room. Therefore rarely used living room. Well in this case a partition that can be moved / shifted / folded is one option. See the following example.

Partisi lipat antara ruang keluarga dan ruang tamu
Movable partition antara ruang tamu dan ruang keluarga
3. partition imaginary
Ie home decor distinction impression of space. But the light and air circulation is not sacrificed. In this case there can make a lot of creativity. One of the examples below may be able to inspire you. An imaginary partitions made ​​of wood used, namely dolken

Partisi imaginer di dekat dapur
4. Floor, split level until the carpet.

Even the distinction of space can occur without having to create partitions. Width of a carpet in the living room has an impressive distinction room with other rooms. Or type ceramic / dingding different paint colors from one room to another. This too can create the desired impression. Examples dibahwa is split level. One part of the elevated room with wooden floors. Be a music room where you put the piano. In addition, the higher floors it can simultaneously function as storage. A place to store carpets and other purposes.

Split level sekaligus storage di ruang musik
Split level sekaligus storage di ruang musik
Well good luck with ya.

Tip Three Advantages of Architecture Houses 93 Angles (Hoek)

annahape.com. The principle of home design angle (hoek) or home corner. Having your own home is everyone's dream. Especially if its location on the hook. Wow, that's great blessing to be grateful. Because many advantages can be enjoyed. There are at least 3 (three) advantage.

So no wonder also if the price of houses / plots in hoek be higher than the position was flanked by other houses. Although the same size.

Had you sufficient funds, it could not hurt if you hunt tinggail houses / plots in hoek. But the truth is what makes people so crave could build / buy a house corner?

 The core answer is I suggested at the beginning. Both in terms of availability of additional land (in the context of housing / cluster), the appearance of homes and property optimization of air circulation and natural lighting. While listening to some live pictures home pictures below, I will describe the advantages one by one.

Gambar 1. Rumah di Hook Memberi Berbagai Kelebihan
Additional land. In the neighborhood or cluster, the size of houses in each block of the same magnitude. Including the existing dwelling house hoek. But the house in hoek is above ground wider. This is because of the provisions of the Building Line Borders (GSB) or Line Home House (GMR). GSB refers to the boundary wall at a leading residential parcels. GSB / GMR is associated also with GSJ or Borders Line Road which forefront yard limit or boundary fence leading edge.

With the GSB and GSJ are created land / open space between the wall and fence. Alias ​​massive buildings should not be filled. Porch, carport, bamboo or gazebo to complement the design of the garden beside the house is fine. This last group did not include the massive building.

desain rumah sudut
Gambar 2. Rumah Hook Umumnya Memiliki Dua Fasad. Menjadikan Tampilan Rumah Menjadi Kaya Meski Tak Harus Mewah
Kekayaan penampilan rumah. Istilah kekayaan di sini tak lantas berarti mewah. Maksudnya lebih kepada kemungkinan menjadikan rumah tinggal dengan dua fasade. Oleh karenanya, disain fasad pun bisa dibuat amat dinamis dan variatif namun tetap mengalir. Termasuk kalau mau desain rumah minimalis. Bahkan dengan bahan yang sederhana sekalipun. Dua fasad umumnya juga berarti dua pintu masuk rumah.
Sekadar pengetahuan, rumah lebih dari satu pintu disebut rumah tinggal majemuk. Untuk akses keluar masuk pekarangan rumah, pintu pagar rumah hook biasanya juga ada dua buah.
Buat Anda yang percaya Fengshui, konon pintu pagar sebaiknya satu saja. kalau terpaksa harus dua, sebaiknya berada di sisi yang berbeda. Pintu yang kedua kecil saja. Dan difungsikan sebagai pintu darurat. Dan pintu yang lebih besar harus berhadapan dengan langsung dengan pintu utama rumah tinggal. Dua pintu pagar dapat dipakai untuk memberi keleluasaan akses ke sisi rumah yang Anda siapkan untuk fungsi yang berbeda. Misalnya akses ke bagian home office (baca tip 52). Sehingga privasi Anda tidak terganggu
Optimalisasi sirkulasi udara dan pencahayaan alami. Dari segi fungsi, dua fasade rumah erat berkait dengan urusan sirkulasi udara dan pencahayaan alami yang lebih optimal. Kata lainnya, keistimewaan yang dimiliki rumah di hoek sebaiknya diikuti pula dengan membuat banyak bukaan. Baik pintu lipat, jendela ataupun jaluzi.
Gambar 3. Banyak Bukaan pada Rumah Hook Mengoptimalkan Sirkulasi Udara dan Pencahayaan Alami.
Finally, it should I say build a house design in hoek have greater cost implications. But it seems it was worth the many advantages that we enjoy. Moreover, the corner house has a considerable added value if we are thinking to sell it back.

Tip 57 Interior Luxury Bathroom with Marble Slab, Get Comfortable for Various Activities

Bathroom annahape.com, its main function is to take a bath, clean the body. In traditional homes, Bathroom and WC are usually placed far from the main building. The reason is simple, let alone a bathroom toilet, associated with dirty, humid, far from sacred.

In the concept of a modern house, bathroom and WC is no longer a negative association. Even the bathroom can be a reflection of the character of the inhabitants (see tip 2). Bathroom may also reflect a person's social class. Therefore the choice of materials, equipment sanitair, must be integrated into a harmonious interior layout. Here's an example.

The pictures of the bathroom design is actually only 1 room only. Figure perspective that we display showing several different angles.

With these images, it is clear that no longer Bathroom serves as a place bebersih body. Bath became the place for various activities, for example, reading, soaking / spa / whirlpool and glass, of course, in addition to basic functions of bathing and bowel movements.

The main ingredient of the design of this bathroom is marble slab. That is, pieces of marble in large sizes. This kind of marble should be specially ordered. because the pieces of marble will be tailored to the needs of your bathroom.

Perspective Bathroom 1: Angle for Spa / WhirlpoolINTERIOR KAMAR MANDI MARMER 1web
Perspective Bathroom 2: shower tray, washbasin and WC
Perspective 3 Bathrooms: Perspectives entire bathroom space
Perspective 4 Bathrooms: Perspectives WC equipped with reading lights and bookcases
In order for these functions can be accommodated in one room, consider the following principles:

1. You have to divide the space into two main parts, namely the area wet and dry areas.

2. Wet areas should be separated with a really dry area. In the design above the shower tray, a barrier to splashes of water from the wet area does not go into dry areas.

3. Plan the installation of clean and dirty water, and carefully instalasilistrik that later you do not need to damage the marble or granite.

4. Prepare filters dirt, especially in the sink, whirlpool / spa, and a bathroom. To be in the future, not the case that clogged the water.

5. Lighting in the bathroom can be set such that the exotic as well as functional impression you want can be achieved.

6. Plan from the outset of goods or needs what you will put or keep in the bath room. If you prefer to read while bathing, it means you need a shelf or shelves that easily dijangka. If you want to keep your bath towels in the room have to set up a small closet in there. So many places to put stuff these needs, you can make one of the elements that enrich the interior of your bath room. Placing a sink with an unusual way, making your bathroom exclusive impression becomes stronger. Examples are made Bakoko appear in the image below.


Some Interior Design part5 and installation concrete tile above the mild steel

Now in Part 5 of this ane going to post some pic / picture of the interior shower / bathroom (modern). Have a look at ya,,
A nice house or a beautiful home page must be accompanied pula.Nah beautiful, here are some pictures / pic parks home page ...

Installation concrete tile above the mild steel
astudioarchitect.com In a development system with conventional construction, using a lightweight steel roof, the roof truss installation process is complete, then we can proceed with installing tile roofing above the structure. Relative in this example buildings using lightweight steel roofing systems, so this system difference with wood frame system is a part that holds the concrete tile is a mild steel timber battens replace function.

After the installation phase of lightweight steel roof truss, then the next step is to install concrete tile. There are several types of tiles that can be used, in this case depends on the ability to build or initial agreement with the contractor, in this example are shown in lightweight steel construction with concrete roof tiles.

This construction is made ​​so that the structure capable of supporting the concrete roof tiles as construction wood in general, only differences with wood construction is mild steel construction is more complicated calculation, so there should not be a miscalculation, and there are different styles of delivery systems with wood construction.

In the photo above has a lightweight steel construction spans wide enough to reach the size of the span of 10 meters. Sometimes in this construction takes an additional column buffer as in the photo above there is a special cross beams to support the light steel structure so the structure is supported at the center. Consult with your mild steel contractor to prepare an additional structure if needed.

 Above: Condition 1 if the floor is made of concrete for the floor 2. In this space the next step is finishing, according to the conventional construction systems.

Design House 1 and Building Planning Series

Well, as you know already make ane schedule published on Monday or Tuesday if there will be a post about home design. Why is this day published, because gan gan gan man also busy at work yesterday as the OP cafe ane and ane also want to give the title what confused.

So with no strings attached nih,, see yo,,,

In this post Quote of building work on the design of a floor with an area of ​​64m2.Rancangan consists of 2 bedrooms, living room, family room, kitchen, bathroom / toilet, and garden (front & rear).

Maybe there who think the design as the design house type 36, type 36 is like a vast building but this is different.

This perspective view, front, and rear.

Building Planning Series
In fact when going to plan a building, can not be done partially. For example just ask for a foundation design, Sloof (tie beam), plate stairs, floor plates, roof plates, columns, beams, horses, etc.. When talking about the planning of the building, then we should discuss the issue extensively. What I mean is, starting from the determination of the dots of foundation, record column (column direction crosswise, lengthwise, then give notation / alphabet, etc.). But when the requirements that must be met, then the path that we take very long, and it can not be done / discussed in this blog.

Now we are assuming you already have all the requirements above, and you only need a sample foundation design. The case taken is planning the foundation type of Foot Plate. Here is an example of planning the foundation of his review is the foot plate at the point where K2 (Planning foundation under column K2):

The results of calculation of the above foundation, then poured in the foundation detail drawing as shown below:

Foundation for planning at other points, more or less the same way. Staying there is just how many data points that are in the column layout of buildings to be your planned foundation

Design House 2 and Learning Autocad: Coordinates System and Line

On my second home design work on the design of 2-storey building with a building area 148m2.plan consists of 3 bedrooms, living room, family room, dining room, kitchen, bathroom / toilet, and garden (front & rear).

The following perspective view, front, side and rear.

Learning Autocad: Coordinates System and Line

Coordinate Systems

Coordinate system shown in the figure is the coordinate system in accordance with international standards ie the X axis for the longitudinal (left-right), the Y axis for the transverse (forward-backward), and Z axis for the vertical (up and down). On its own AutoCAD system coordinates the international standard is called the WSC or the World coordinate System.Pada AutoCAD UCS axis alignment can be changed as desired or needed.

Drawing the Line menu
Here's how:

On the toolbar and then click Draw Line or type "L" or "line" on the menu command trus enter.

The thing to remember

At the command specify in writing a first point, click the starting line.

In a written command specify next point or [Undo], click the end position of the line.

If you want to determine the length of the line after determining the initial position of the line and then type @ X, Y, Z and hold Enter.

And also no easy way to determine the length of the line without having to type @ X, Y, Z as this way, enable drafting settings (polar.osnap, otrack).

At the time when we determine the starting position and then point your mouse lines parallel to the axis X or Y axis or Z axis as shown in the picture below ane align with the axis Y.
Continue to type in how long the line that you want to continue <enter>, ane 200 then type the length of the line will look like the picture.
Example question:

In this example uses the formula @ ane, X, Y, Z. First change the 3D perspective of the SE isometric.how click View on the menu bar select View 3D trus SE Isometric.

Then type trus Enter.next Line:

1. Click the initial position of the line

2. Type: @ 0.0, -200 <enter>

3. Type: @200,0,0 <enter>

4. Type: @0,0,200 <enter>

5. Type: @-200,0,0 <enter>

6. Type: @0,250,0 <enter>

7. Type: @200,0,0 <enter>

8. Type: @0,-250,0 <enter> dan <enter> Again to end

9. Type the Line again hold Enter, then click the point W as the initial position of the line (see picture) continues to type in: @ 0.0, -200 <enter>

10. Type: @ 0, -200.0 <enter> and <enter> again to end.
For Practice: